Archaeological Geophysical Prospection
An increase in measurement efficiency of geophysical prospection methods is needed in order to render their archaeological application more economical and therefore attractive for large scale prospection.
New technology concerning the development of multichannel instruments and advanced positioning and navigation systems offers novel possibilities for large-scale geophysical archaeological prospection.
The main objectives of the Programme Line ‘Archaeological Geophysical Prospection’ are the development of motorized multichannel instruments combined with advanced positioning and navigation systems and appropriate data processing and visualization tools. In this way the measurement efficiency of near-surface geophysical survey methods for large-scale, high-resolution archaeological prospection can be significantly improved.
Archaeological Geophysical Prospection Related Publications
- Bill, J.; Nau, E.; Neubauer, W.; Trinks, I.; Tonning, C.; Gustavssen, L.; Paasche, K.; Seren, S. (2013): Contextualising a monumental burial – The Gokstad revitalised project. In: W. Neubauer, I. Trinks, R. B. Salisbury and C. Einwögerer (Eds.): Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Wien, Austria, 29.05.-02.06.2013. Wien: Verl. der Österr. Akad. d. Wiss., S. 134–136.
- Biwall, A.; Beronius, L.; Trinks, I. (2013): Gamla Uppsala revisited – archaeological excavation and prospection in Old Uppsala. In: W. Neubauer, I. Trinks, R. B. Salisbury and C. Einwögerer (Eds.): Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Wien, Austria, 29.05.-02.06.2013. Wien: Verl. der Österr. Akad. d. Wiss., S. 312–313.
- Gaffney, C.; Gaffney, V.; Neubauer, W.; Baldwin, E.; Löcker, K. (2013): An integrated geophysical approach to Stonehenge. In: W. Neubauer, I. Trinks, R. B. Salisbury and C. Einwögerer (Eds.): Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Wien, Austria, 29.05.-02.06.2013. Wien: Verl. der Österr. Akad. d. Wiss., S. 230
- Gaffney, V.; Gaffney, C.; Garwood, P.; Neubauer, W.; Chapman, H.; Löcker, K.; Baldwin, E. (2013): Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project: Geophysical investigation and landscape mapping of the Stonehenge World Heritage Site. In: W. Neubauer, I. Trinks, R. B. Salisbury and C. Einwögerer (Eds.): Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Wien, Austria, 29.05.-02.06.2013. Wien: Verl. der Österr. Akad. d. Wiss., S. 19–23.
- Gustavsen, L.; Tonning, C.; Lia, V.; Nau, E.; Paasche, K.; Gansum, T.; Filzwieser, R. (2013): Large scale archaeological prospection: Case studies from three years of fieldwork in Norway. In: W. Neubauer, I. Trinks, R. B. Salisbury and C. Einwögerer (Eds.): Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Wien, Austria, 29.05.-02.06.2013. Wien: Verl. der Österr. Akad. d. Wiss., S. 218.
- Kastowsky-Priglinger, K. (2013): Preliminary results on the development of a comprehensive interpretation work flow. The Case Study Kleinrötz/Austria. In: W. Neubauer, I. Trinks, R. B. Salisbury and C. Einwögerer (Eds.): Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Wien, Austria, 29.05.-02.06.2013. Wien: Verl. der Österr. Akad. d. Wiss., S. 150–152.
- Kastowsky-Priglinger, K.; Schreg, R.; Trinks, I.; Nau, E.; Löcker, K.; Neubauer, W. (2013): Long term integrated archaeological prospection on the Stubersheimer Alb – Giving meaning to a marginal landscape. In: W. Neubauer, I. Trinks, R. B. Salisbury and C. Einwögerer (Eds.): Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Wien, Austria, 29.05.-02.06.2013. Wien: Verl. der Österr. Akad. d. Wiss., S. 99–100.
- Löcker, K.; Baldwin, E.; Neubauer, W.; Gaffney, V.; Gaffney, C.; Hinterleitner; Garwood, P.; Trinks, I.; Wallner, M. (2013): The Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project – Data acquisition, processing, interpretation. In: W. Neubauer, I. Trinks, R. B. Salisbury and C. Einwögerer (Eds.): Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Wien, Austria, 29.05.-02.06.2013. Wien: Verl. der Österr. Akad. d. Wiss., S. 107–109.
- Neubauer, W.; Seren, S.; Hinterleitner, A.; Doneus, M.; Löcker, K.; Trinks, I.; Nau, E.; Pregesbauer, M.; Kucera, M.; Verhoeven, G. (2013): The discovery of a gladiatorial school at Carnuntum. In: W. Neubauer, I. Trinks, R. B. Salisbury and C. Einwögerer (Eds.): Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Wien, Austria, 29.05.-02.06.2013. Wien: Verl. der Österr. Akad. d. Wiss., S. 423–426.
- Trinks, I.; Fischer, P.; Löcker, K.; Flöry S. (2013): Hala Sultan Tekke revisited – archaeological GPR prospection on Cyprus 1980 and 2010/12. In: W. Neubauer, I. Trinks, R. B. Salisbury and C. Einwögerer (Eds.): Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Wien, Austria, 29.05.-02.06.2013. Wien: Verl. der Österr. Akad. d. Wiss., S. 285–287.
- Trinks, I.; Larsson, L.; Gabler, M.; Nau, E.; Neubauer, W.; Klimcyk, A.; Söderberg, B.; Thorén, H. (2013): Large-scale archaeological prospection of the Iron Age settlement site Uppåkra – Sweden. In: W. Neubauer, I. Trinks, R. B. Salisbury and C. Einwögerer (Eds.): Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Wien, Austria, 29.05.-02.06.2013. Wien: Verl. der Österr. Akad. d. Wiss., S. 31–34.
- Trinks, I.; Neubauer, W.; Nau, E.; Gabler, M.; Wallner, M.; Hinterleitner, A.; Biwall, A.; Doneus, M.; Pregesbauer, M. (2013): Archaeological prospection of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site Birka-Hofgården. In: W. Neubauer, I. Trinks, R. B. Salisbury and C. Einwögerer (Eds.): Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Wien, Austria, 29.05.-02.06.2013. Wien: Verl. der Österr. Akad. d. Wiss., S. 39–40.
- Gabler, M.; Trinks, I. (2012): Large-scale archaeological prospection of the Iron Age central place Uppåkra. In: ISAP News (30), S. 6–8.
- Neubauer, W.; Seren, S. (2012): Die Entdeckung der Gladiatorenschule in Carnuntum. In: Acta Carnuntina, S. 4–13.
- Neubauer, W.; Seren, S.; Hinterleitner, A.; Doneus, M.; Löcker, K.; Trinks, I.; Nau, E.; Pregesbauer, M.; Kucera, M.; Verhoeven, G.; Saey, T.; de Smedt, P.; van Meirvenne, M. (2012): Integrated geophysical archaeological prospection resulting in the discovery of the school of gladiators in the Roman town of Carnuntum in Austria. In: Proceedings of the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 04.-09. November 2012. Abstract and lecture.
- Poscetti, Valeria; Trinks, I.; Neubauer, W. (2012): 3D archaeological interpretation of ground penetrating radar data. In: The First International Conference «Virtual Archaeology-2012«. Program and abstracts. Saint-Petersburg (Russian Federation), 04.-06.06.2012, S. 34. Abstract and lecture.
- Schreg, R.; Kastowsky-Priglinger, K.; Trinks, I. (2012): Großflächige archäologische Landschaftsprospektion auf der Stubersheimer Alb. In: Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2011, S. 39–44.
- Trinks, I.; Löcker, K.; Neubauer, W.; Seren, S.; Hinterleitner, A. (2012): Large scale high-resolution geophysical prospection in archaeology. In: The First International Conference «Virtual Archaeology-2012«. Program and abstracts. Saint-Petersburg (Russian Federation), 04.-06.06.2012, S. 19. Abstract and lecture.
- Biwall, A.; Gabler, M.; Hinterleitner, A.; Karlsson, P.; Kucera, M.; Larsson, L.; Löcker, K.; Nau, E.; Neubauer, W.; Scherzer, D.; Thorén, H.; Trinks, I.; Wallner, M.; Zitz, T. (2011): Large-scale archaeological prospection of the Iron and Viking Age site Uppåkra in Sweden. In: M. G. Drahor and M. A. Berge (Eds.): Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Izmir-Turkey, 19.-24.09.2011. Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, S. 218–222.
- Doneus, N.; Flöry S.; Hinterleitner, A.; Kastowsky, K.; Kucera, M.; Nau, E.; Neubauer, W.; Scherzer, D.; Trinks, I.; Wallner, M.; Zitz, T. (2011): Integrative Archaeological Prospection – Case study Stubersheimer Alb. Bridging the gap between geophysical prospection and archaeological interpretation. In: M. G. Drahor and M. A. Berge (Eds.): Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Izmir-Turkey, 19.-24.09.2011. Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, S. 166–168.
- Neubauer, W. (2011): Archäologische Prospektion der Landschaft Carnuntum. In: Carnuntum und Limes. Denkmalpflege in Niederösterreich (45), S. 23–26.
- Seren, S.; Löcker, K.; Hinterleitner, A.; Neubauer, W.; Ladstätter, S. (2011): Ephesos revisited. In: M. G. Drahor and M. A. Berge (Eds.): Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Izmir-Turkey, 19.-24.09.2011. Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, S. 90–91.
- Viberg, A.; Trinks, I.; Lidén, K. (2011): A review of the use of geophysical archaeological prospection in Sweden. In: Archaeol. Prospect. 18 (1), S. 43–56. DOI: 10.1002/arp.401.
- Melichar, P.; Neubauer, W. (Eds.) (2010): Mittelneolithische Kreisgrabenanlagen in Niederösterreich. Geophysikalisch-archäologische Prospektion – ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt. Wien: Verl. der Österr. Akad. der Wiss. (Mitteilungen der Prähistorischen Kommission, 71).
- Neubauer, W.; Doneus, M.; Hinterleitner, A. (2010): Prospektionsmethodik. In: P. Melichar and W. Neubauer (Eds.): Mittelneolithische Kreisgrabenanlagen in Niederösterreich. Geophysikalisch-archäologische Prospektion – ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt. Wien: Verl. der Österr. Akad. der Wiss. (Mitteilungen der Prähistorischen Kommission, 71), S. 44–55.
- Neubauer, W.; Doneus, M.; Hinterleitner, A.; Melichar, P. (2010): Systematische Prospektion der Kreisgrabenanlagen in Österreich. In: P. Melichar and W. Neubauer (Eds.): Mittelneolithische Kreisgrabenanlagen in Niederösterreich. Geophysikalisch-archäologische Prospektion – ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt. Wien: Verl. der Österr. Akad. der Wiss. (Mitteilungen der Prähistorischen Kommission, 71), S. 31–43.