Georg Zotti is computer scientist (PhD from Vienna University of Technology) and astronomer (Vienna University). His major interests include history of science, in particular history of astronomy, history of astronomical instruments (esp. astrolabes), cultural astronomy, archaeoastronomical research in the field and using GIS-based methods and virtual reconstructions, astronomical simulation with computer graphics, and astronomical and landscape photography. After the FWF-funded research program ASTROSIM (2008-2012) he joined LBI ArchPro for developments in GIS-based landscape analysis and virtual reconstructions, and he also creates interesting objects for our exhibitions. He is currently also one of the sleepless developers of the popular open-source desktop planetarium Stellarium (http://stellarium.org) where he adds improvements for research in cultural astronomy. Georg is vice president of SEAC, the European Society for Astronomy in Culture (http://www.archeoastronomy.org/) and of the German Gesellschaft für Archäoastronomie e.V. (http://www.archaeoastronomie.org/).