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01 Aug. 2020 von lbiarchpro

„Living Danube Limes“ – EU Interreg DTP project with LBI ArchPro participation

“Living Danube Limes” is a EU funded Interreg Danube Transnational Programme project that is centered around the Roman Danube Limes as transnational cultural heritage of enormous significance.

Spanning the whole Danube region, the project aims at further developing and enhancing the connecting aspects of the Roman heritage sites along the river, thus, fostering a common sense of togetherness in the Danube Region. To achieve this, nineteen project partners from ten countries will collaborate on the exploration and protection of cultural sites as well as the development of green and sustainable tourism and cultural route solutions. The LBI ArchPro will investigate various Roman sites using geophysical prospection methods and contribute to the subsequent creation and implementation of VR reconstructions for pilot sites (more information: https://archpro.lbg.ac.at/living-danube-limes).

The project, led by the Donau-Universität Krems, has a total budget of 3.2 million euros funded by ERDF, IPA II and ENI-MD. It runs from July 2020 to December 2022.

Living Danube Limes Projekt website