26 Juni 2020 von lbiarchpro

Stonehenge Hidden Landscape project reveals traces of a massive circle of prehistoric shafts near Stonehenge

What could be one of the largest prehistoric sites in the UK has been discovered near Stonehenge through the geophysical surveys undertaken as part of the Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project which is led in conjunction with the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology. A massive 2km-wide ring of prehistoric ‘shafts’ up to 10m wide and 5m deep has been discovered around the ‘super henge’ at Durrington Walls and the famous site at Woodhenge. The structures have been carbon dated to about 2500BC.

More information on the Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project can be found here: https://lbi-archpro.org/cs/stonehenge/index.html