A puzzle in 4D: Digital Preservation and Reconstruction of an Egyptian Palace
The project is hosted by the Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology (OREA, project leader: Dr. Barbara Horejs) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) and is carried out in cooperation with the LBI ArchPro, the Austrian Center for Digital Humanities (ADCH), Universität Bochum, Chicago University, Austrian Archaeological Institute (ÖAI), Archaeology Data Service and PIN Scri – Polo Universitario “Città di Prato”. It is funded by the Austrian Nationalstiftung.
The project will provide long-term preservation for the rich archaeological resources of the Austrian long-term excavation project at Tell el Daba (TED) in Egypt; it is designed as a case study for the development of a repository for archaeological data at the ACDH. Digital and non-digital excavation data (analogue photographs, drawings, written documentation etc.) will be integrated according to stratigraphic, i.e. archaeological spatio-temporal principles, enriched with metadata and prepared for long-term archiving and open-access online publication. The resulting maps and 3D models will form the basis for a comprehensive virtual reconstruction of the site including its world-famous Minoan wall paintings, making it accessible online for research as well as the interested public.
The LBI ArchPro is involved in the development of a 4D Archaeological Information System (AIS), the digitization process of TED excavation record and the visualization of archaeological data in a virtual reconstruction of the site.
More information on the project website: https://4dpuzzle.orea.oeaw.ac.at/