Archaeological Prospection summer school 2016 in Vienna
The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology together with the University of Vienna (Vienna Institute for Archaeological Sciences) and the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) hosted the first WWTF summer school on “Advanced archaeological prospection, documentation and interpretation for cultural heritage management” in September 2016.
The summer school is funded by the Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds (WWTF).
Website of the WWTF Summer School “ArchPro” 2016:
Summer school “Advanced archaeological prospection, documentation and interpretation for cultural heritage management”
Large-scale applications of non-destructive archaeological prospection and digital documentation methods harbour a great potential for time- and cost-efficient, reliable identification, documentation and interpretation of buried cultural heritage, providing the most appropriate solution in order to supply archaeologists and planning authorities with the necessary spatial information for the protection and possible investigation of threatened cultural heritage at the appropriate scales: the archaeological site as well as the surrounding archaeological landscape.
The multidisciplinary summer school 2016 addresses the demands to educate and familiarize students of related fields in universally applicable non-invasive methods and techniques for the detection, documentation and interpretation of the archaeological heritage of complete landscapes. Special focus will be placed on the archaeological interpretation of remote sensing and near-surface geophysical prospection data and the potential of the generated results to facilitate and guide modern cultural heritage management, as well as implications for rescue and exploration archaeology and policy making. Over the course of five days, seminars integrating theory and practice will be given by international experts and national specialists. The invited lecturers are representing a group of internationally respected archaeologists, geophysicists, physicists and architects with teaching skills from universities, national and international research institutions, governmental bodies, cultural heritage foundations and SME´s.
The school combines lectures, discussion and hands-on GIS based practice.
- Where? Institute for Prehistory and Historical Archaeology at the University of Vienna, Austria.
- When? September 26th– 30th 2016
- Who? Master and PhD students in the fields of archaeology, cultural heritage management, architecture, landscape planning, and digital humanities, promising candidates for the prospective use and implementation of archaeological prospection methods.
The summer school is funded by the Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds.